USPS Moved Left No Address: Meaning, What To Do

Have you ever received the update “Moved, Left No Address” for your package from the United States Postal Service (USPS)? It’s a common message from USPS but if you have received it for the first time it can be quite confusing for you.

They should generally arise when you have some sort of problem with your delivery address and your package can’t get delivered. There can be quite a few reasons but the most common one is the person has moved without telling the USPS.

So, if you’re wondering what to do next then don’t worry, in this article, we have covered everything that you need to know regarding the “Moved, Left No Address”.

What’s the Meaning of “Moved Left No Address”?

If you have received this “Moved left, No Address” from the USPS tracking system then it means there is some issue with your delivery address and your package couldn’t get delivered on the expected delivery date. It mainly arrives as if the recipients have either moved from the address or have provided an incomplete delivery address.

Suppose you are living in an apartment when you received this notification then it might mean you have forgotten to mention the block number or nearby landmark which is making it hard for the delivery guy to understand where to deliver your package.

Many instances have been reported where the recipients have relocated and did not update their previous address. In such cases, the package remains undelivered and gets returned to the sender

If somehow you have provided the incorrect address to the USPS then you need to contact them and provide the correct delivery address so they can deliver the package as soon as possible.

Why a Package Get the “Moved, Left No Address” Update?

Recipient has Moved Out

If the recipient of the package has moved from the location and they haven’t changed or updated their delivery address then they are sure to receive this ‘Moved, Left No Address” Update from USPS.

If that’s the case with your package, then you need to contact USPS immediately and provide them with the correct delivery address otherwise you might have to face delay or chances are there that your package might get lost if it’s got delivered to the wrong address.

Incorrect Delivery Address

It is one of the most popular reasons why the package received this update. At the time of placing the order, you might have somehow missed providing essential details like street name, apartment number, or even the postal code. Then you are sure to receive this update on the tracking page of your package.

Again you are required to contact USPS customer care and provide them the missing information so they can deliver your product without getting it delayed.

Address Doesn’t Exist

If somehow you have provided the wrong delivery address that doesn’t exist then there is a fair chance that you will receive this update on your tracking status. The USPS will try to deliver the product but upon finding that the address doesn’t exist they will send it to the local post office where it will remain for a maximum of 15 days and then it will be returned to the shipper.

So, make sure to contact USPS and figure out a way to get it delivered before it gets returned.

What to do if I have received this “Moved, Left No Address” Update?

Double Check the Address

If you have already received this update then check out the shipping address you have provided to the sender. Make sure that every detail that you have provided is correct.

Keep in mind, that humans are always bound to make mistakes so don’t worry if you have missed the apartment number zip code, or anything else. Just read on you will get your answer.

Reach Out To USPS Support

If you have provided the incorrect address, then you need to reach out to USPS support and provide them with the updated address so that they can reattempt the delivery of your package and get it delivered without any further delay.

In-Person Pickup

Generally, if a package is undelivered it gets sent to the local post office where it remains for a maximum of 2 weeks and then it’s returned to the shipper. If possible then go to the local post office to retrieve the package yourself make sure you have a valid photo id to verify that you are the original recipient of the package.

Intercept The Package

If you’re expecting something urgent then you can go ahead with the package intercept option of USPS. It’s an option that allows the recipient to redirect the package to a new delivery address before another reattempt to deliver the package is made.

Keep in mind, that you do need to pay a little fee for this service but it ensures that your package safely arrives at the new updated address.

Provide Another Delivery address

Even after updating the address if the US space is enabled to deliver your package then you can also provide another delivery address to them so they can ship the package to that location and get it delivered as soon as possible.

What does USPS DP after the “Moved, Left No Address” Update?

Redelivery Attempt

When USPS sends you this update their initial approach is to get the package redeliver to the recipients. They know that humans are bound to make mistakes which might have happened with this package as the recipient might have forgot to put the house number or a new tenant had just moved in.

Usually, in all the cases they at least try once again so the package can be delivered to the recipient before it’s sending back to USPS facility

Held at the local Post Office

Even after another redelivery attempt if your package means undelivered they usually send it to the local post office where it remains for maximum 15 days. This is the ideal time frame which allows the recipient to retrieve the package by wasting the local post office along with the valid photo id. The hold on peroid is very helpful for those who might have missed the delivery attempt as they have put the wrong delivery address.

Return to the shipper

Even after doing all that if the package remain undelivered and the recipient doesn’t contact. Under this condition, if the package has a valid return address USPS generally sends it back to the shipper. By digging at USPS ensures that the shipper is aware that the product has not been delivered and they are sending back it do them.

How Long does USPS waits before sending your package back to Shipper ?

If you have received this update from USPS and then there is nothing to worry about. It usually means that something is wrong with your address and they will try to get it delivered in the another redelivery attempt. However it still cant deliver after the second attempt they wont immediately send it back to the shipper.

Instead the package is held at the local post office for maximum of two weeks so that the recipent can contact the USPS and retrive the package form the post office.

If it still remains unclaimed by the end of the waiting period. Then USpS start the procedure of sending the package back to the shipper and letting them know that they are unable to deliver the package because of the delivery address issue.

Can I Pickup my Package from the Local Post Office After the “Moved Left No Address”?

When you are a package gets this move left no address update from USPS it doesnt get immediately back to the shipper instead its being held up at the local post office for a maximum of two weeks so that the recipient can claim it.

During this waiting. Recipients can visit the local post office and they need to have a valid id to verify that they are the genuine recipient of the package. Make sure the name on the package matches exactly with the name on your ID proof.

It’s a perfect way to retrieve your package otherwise you might have to wait for peaks to get the package reshipped to the correct address.

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