Clearance Information Required UPS: Meaning, What To Do

If you have ever gotten an international package from UPS, you might have seen the “clearance information required” update. However, it can be quite frustrating for you if you don’t know what it means.

Every package must go through customs before it gets released to the destination country. If you have got this update then it means that something is wrong with your package and you need to contact your shipping carrier to know why your package has been held in the customs facility.

In this article, we have covered everything that you need to know if you have received this “clearance information required” status on the tracking status of your package. Continue to read on if you want to know more about it.

What’s the Meaning of the “Clearance Information Required UPS”?

If you have received the “clearance information required” update from UPS, it means your package has been held and requires additional documentation to clear a shipment through customs. It helps to ensure that the shipment complies with the rules and regulations of the destination country and all the taxes and duties are properly paid.

It indicates that your shipping carrier UPS needs more details and paperwork either from the shipper or the recipients so that the package can get customs clearance without any more delay. The information can be about the content of the package, its value, certificates, permits, or licenses (if required).

Why does a Package get the Clearance Required status?

There can be a lot of reasons why your package gets the clearance required status. If your package has this status then, these are a few of the reasons that might be behind it:

Incomplete Paperwork

If any necessary paperwork with your package or missing like a commercial invoice, permit, license, or certificate of origin then your package might get held up in the customs facilities until all the required documents are provided to the officials to verify the authenticity of the package.

This is to ensure that all the packages follow the customs regulations and there is no tax evasion on the import duties.

Prohibited Item

During the inspection of your package if the official finds something suspicious or they have a suspicion that their package content does not follow the regulations of the customs then they might seize your package or hold it until you provide them the additional information that there is nothing wrong with your package.

If you’re either expecting or sending a package so make sure the content of your package complies with the rules and regulations of the customs otherwise your package will be held up or you might have to face legal consequences.

Incorrect Recipient Information

If details of the recipients are not correctly mentioned then your package might get held up during the inspection stage in the customs facility. Because it causes suspicion among the officials that the packages have no valid address to get delivered.

If somehow you have put the wrong delivery address then you need to contact your shipping carrier (UPS, USPS, FedEx) and explain the whole problem so that they can update your package delivery address and get the clearance as soon as possible.

Wrong HTS Code

All the shipments are required to have an HTS code which helps to categorize the product and determines the tax tariffs on it. Many people misuse these HTS codes to show the lower tax tariffs on their package which ends up causing their package to be held for further inspection.

During this inspection, the value of the item in the package is evaluated, and based on that correct tariff taxes are imposed on the package.

Wrong Product Description

All the international packets are required to fill out a product description form which provides a general overview of the content of the package and its usage in the destination country. If you have provided either too short or a wrong product description that doesn’t match the content of your package then your package might get held up and you receive this update.

If that’s the case with your package then reach out to your shipping carrier and seek help from them to resolve it.

How long does it take for a U P S package to get clearance from customs?

In normal scenarios, if everything is alright with your package, all the important paperwork along with the required permits are attached then your package will take less than two days to get the clearance and get released from the customs facility.

If the customer officials have some suspicion that your package might contain something prohibited or illegal then chances are there that your package might get held up for an extended period of time until you show them the required documentation and prove that all the content of your package follows the custom rules and regulations.

Does this status mean my package has been stuck in customs?

If you have received this “clearance information required” update from your shipping carrier then it doesn’t necessarily mean your package has been stuck in the customs facility. It simply means that some important paperwork related to your package has been missing which you need to submit to get the clearance.

The status indicates that your package is undergoing inspection to verify that the content of the package complies with the laws of customs and also to ensure that all the taxes and duties are paid.

If you’re not shipping anything illegal or hazardous item then there is nothing to worry about you just need to provide the relevant information and your package will resume its normal journey to get delivered to the final delivery address.

What to do if your package gets stuck in customs?

Wait for a While

Custom delays are always bound to happen with international shipments so if your package has been stuck on it then you might need to wait for a while. I wait for at least a week and in between if a package status doesn’t show any progress then you might need to take further action.

Contact UPS Customer Care

If a significant amount of time has passed and you haven’t noticed any progress then you need to contact UPS customer care and try to know what’s wrong with your package. If the package is stuck in customs due to paperwork issues then provide it as soon as possible so that it can get released and resume its normal journey to the recipient address.

Contact the Shipper

It’s the responsibility of the shipper that the package reaches the recipient in the expected time frame. So if a package has been stuck in customs for more than two weeks then you need to contact the shipper and ask them to contact the shipping carrier (like UPS, USPS, or FedEx) on your behalf as they respond to the shipper queries faster than the recipient’s issue.

What information is required for a package to get released from customs?

Description of Contents: Sometimes a short description can also lead your package to get stuck on the update. You(or the shipper) are required to provide a detailed description of the content including the quantity, type, and purpose so that the officials can process it more efficiently without any need for any further inspection.

Sender and Recipient Information: The package must have both the correct senders and recipients’ information including their name, address, and phone number. If any of the details are missing then it can cause your package to get stuck for weeks until the correct information is provided.

Invoice or Proforma Invoice: All international packages are required to have important documents like commercial invoices, permits, certificates of origin, and licenses (if required) along with the payment recipient of tax and duties. It’s a way to ensure content compliance with the rules and regulations of the destination country.

Harmonized System (HS) Code: The system codes are used to classify the goods for custom processing. It helps to calculate and determine the applicable tax and duties on the packages that need to be paid before your package gets customs clearance.

Export License or Permit (if applicable): Some items may require an export license or permit from the country of origin before they can be shipped internationally. So if you are importing something unusual like heavy machinery or any other piece of equipment then you are required to submit all the licenses and permits to the customs to get the clearance.

Additional Documentation: Depending on the nature of the goods and the destination country’s regulations, additional documentation such as certificates of origin, import licenses, or product certifications may be required fo the package to get released.

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