Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending USPS: Meaning, What To Do

If you have “shipment received package acceptance pending” status on your tracking status, it may be confusing for you if you don’t know what it means.

When you are eagerly waiting for your package to get delivered, you come to know about this vague status of ‘shipment received’ status causing your package to remain stuck without showing any progress.

The status mainly appears when your package has arrived at the post office, but they are left to scan it into their systems. It indicates that your package has been accepted via the shipping carrier, but they have not processed it can track its movement during its journey.

If you want to know more about it, stick to this detailed article and you are all good to go.

What’s the Meaning of “Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending” USPS?

Receiving this update indicates that your package has been received by the postal facility but they are yet to officially accept it into their system for delivery. For the recipients, it means that the package has finally arrived at the post office or at the processing center where it’s waiting for the next step in the delivery chain.

Sometimes a temporary delay can also cause this problem with the package has already been scanned but due to some glitch or bug in the server, the tracking status may not have been updated. In such scenarios, residents just have to wait for a while and the tracking status gets updated on its own.

Why does a Package get stuck at the “Shipment Received” Status?

It can be frustrating to see your package tracking status remain stuck on the ‘shipment received’ update for too long without any update. These are a few bunch of the reasons why there’s a package gets held up or remains stuck after getting this update.

  • Sometimes high volume of packages can also be the reason why your package status has been stuck. Whenever a facility experiences such an issue it often creates long queues of packages that remain in it until they are scanned and processed. However, the carrier tries its best to process all the packages as soon as possible but the high volume of packages can lead to a potential delay of one to two days.
  • During transportation, if the shipping label of a package gets damaged or is unscannable then chances are there that the package might be held up until the carrier contacts the recipient and verifies all the details to get the package delivered.
  • Technical issues are also one of the many reasons why a package often gets stuck on status for too long. Malfunctioning of the scanning equipment or a server-side glitch can also be reasons why there is no progress in the tracking status of your package.
  • If you’re expecting a package from abroad then firstly, it needs to go through customs before getting delivered to you. If some important documentation is missing from your package then the official mail puts the package on hold until all the documentation is reviewed to verify their authenticity.

What to do if your package status doesn’t show any progress?

Wait for a While: It’s quite common for your package to get delayed especially during the peak times when all the shipping carriers experience a high volume of packages.

Track the package regularly: If your package seems to be stuck then make sure you’re checking its tracking status regularly, Sometimes carrier provides an updated timestamp on the tracking status of the package which is often missed by a lot of recipients as they don’t bother to check the timestamps of the scan.

Reach out to USPS customer service: If more than a week has passed and you haven’t heard anything from the shipping carrier then it’s a bright time to contact and ask them what is going on with your package.

Visit your local post office: If you didn’t find any satisfactory results with the USPS customer service then you can also reach out to your nearest local post office where you can ask an employer to look into the status or find your package.

Initiate a missing mail request: If you think your package has been lost then you can also submit a missing mail request with your shipping carrier that will alert them to find your package and get it delivered as soon as possible. In case they fail to find your package and then you can ask for a full refund of your package value.

Reach out to sender: If nothing seems to be working in your favor then you can reach out to the sender and notify them that you haven’t received your package even though the expected delivery date of the package has already passed.

How long it will take for your package to finally get delivered?

To be true, there is no ideal time frame for the package to get delivered after this update. In normal scenarios, you can expected the package to get delivered within a week or two if it doesn’t face anymore disruptions or issues during its transit.

However, during the transit of the package, If the package faces issues like peak holiday delays bad weather conditions, or customs delays then you can expect to get it delayed a bit further and the package might get delivered within two to three weeks.

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