FedEx Shipment Exception Weather Delay: Meaning, What To Do

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Have you ever experienced a FedEx shipment getting delayed because of exceptional weather conditions? It can be quite confusing and concerning, especially for new users who don’t know what it means.

In this retail article we have covered everything about wild occurs what are the status codes and what exactly you need to do in such kinds of scenarios. So stick to the article to know more about it.

What’s the Meaning of ‘FedEx Shipment Exception Weather Delay’?

If you have received the shipment exceptional weather delay update from your shipping carrier it means your package will be delayed from its expected time of delivery until the weather in the affected area clears up and all normal operations resume.

The update indicates there is an interruption in the normal delivery process of the package and the severe weather conditions in the region, make it nearly impossible for the consignment to get delivered on time.

Usually in such scenarios, all the shipping carriers including Fedex update their recipients with a particular weather delay code to let them know that severe weather conditions like hurricanes, floods, heavy downpours, Fog & poor visibility, and snowfall have caused their package to get delayed.

FedEx Shipment Exception Delay

These are the unexpected events or situations that have the potential to affect the delivery time of your package, in most of the scenarios these end up getting your package delayed for about days if the situation doesn’t improve.

There are a lot of shipment exceptions due to which your package can get delayed, here is a brief overview of a few of them:

  • Weather Delay: It’s one of the most common shipment delays that happen because of severe weather conditions. If situations like heavy snowfall hurricanes poor visibility arise in the area where the delivery is supposed to happen then they often result in the shipment getting delayed until the issue is resolved.

  • Customs Delay: If you’re expecting an international package, Then it may be delayed at the customs facility due to issues like missing documentation, unpaid taxes & duties, and lack of required permits.

  • Package Damaged: During transportation, if the package or the consignment gets damaged then it may be one of the reasons why your package is getting delayed. If something like this happens the shipping carrier usually checks whether the item in the package has been damaged or not if it’s damaged then they either refund the amount or request a replacement from the shipper.
  • Incorrect Delivery Address: If the provided address for the deliveries is incorrect then your package would not be able to get delivered until the wrong address is replaced with the correct one.
  • Security Concern: If you’re expecting a high-value item or package to get delivered through a shipping carrier, then you might have to pick up your package from the local post office on your own rather than get delivered to your required address. It is usually done to avoid the package getting stolen by thieves (in case of the signature release option).

What are various Delivery Exception Status Codes and what do they mean?

Whenever there is a shipment delay FedEx usually updates the online status of the recipient and provides a specific code so that the residents can know what’s wrong with their package and how long it will take to get delivered. These are a few of the codes that can help you understand it more clearly:

  • Code 15: indicates that no delivery attempt was made
  • Code 25: indicates the package has not been received by the cut-off time
  • Code 51: indicates package requires further review by Fedex
  • Code 77: Indicates that the delay is beyond FedEx’s control
  • Code 96: Severe weather conditions delayed delivery
  • Code 97: Shipment delay due to external events like customs or medical emergency

How long does it take for a package to get delivered after an exceptional delay?

Whenever a shipment gets delayed it usually takes from an extra day to over a week for the package to be delivered. In most, weather-related delays, it usually takes up to 2 to 4 days for the normal delivery operations to resume but if the condition persists then it may take as long as a week for a package to arrive at the destination address.

In case of weather delay it usually takes from 2 to four days for your package to arrive at the required address. Keep in mind that the duration also depends upon the severity of the weather conditions.

If the shipment is delayed due to general shipment exceptions then it usually takes up to a week or just a few days to get your package moving again. But if the delay is due to the wrong delivery address then you just need to contact the shipping carrier and get resolved which usually causes the package to get delivered within the same day or the next working day.

Delays are always bound to happen and FedEx shipping services are quite effective in handling such issues. Almost in 90% of the cases, the delivery takes place within one to two days whenever a package gets delayed.

Keep in mind, that if the delay is caused by some serious issues like Missing documentation or unpaid taxes in duties then you need to take action as soon as possible otherwise, a package will be returned to the original sender if you somehow miss taking the action within the given time frame.

What To Do If Your Package Is Delayed Due to FedEx Shipment Exceptions?

These are the few things that you can do if your package is getting delayed due to some exceptional reasons:

Be Patient

Ideally, in such conditions we all just panic as we haven’t got our package within the expected delivery time. Sometimes a temporary delay can also cause your package to get delayed so there is nothing wrong with your package if it hasn’t been delivered in the expected time.

Wait for at least 2 to 4 working days and even after that if you don’t notice any progress then you need to take further actions to get your issue resolved.

Check for the Updated Delivery Date

If your package has been delayed then make sure you have checked the updated or new estimated delivery date once the issue has been resolved. It provides you a rough estimate of when your package will be arriving at your delivery address.

Contact the FedEx Customer Care

If a week has already passed and you haven’t heard anything from your shipping career then you need to contact their customer care and ask them why your package hasn’t been delivered. It allows you to know what’s the actual status of your package and why it hasn’t been delivered yet.

Open up a Dispute

If weeks have passed and there is no progress on the tracking status of your consignment, it means your package either has been lost or misplaced during its transit. If you think that’s the case with your consignment then you need to then you can open up a dispute or even ask for a full refund as per the value of the consignment.

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